western civilization|western civilization in English

development of the culture founded in Rome, lifestyle of western Europe and North America

Use "western civilization|western civilization" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "western civilization|western civilization" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "western civilization|western civilization", or refer to the context using the word "western civilization|western civilization" in the English Dictionary.

1. Western literature is considered one of the defining elements of Western civilization.

2. Chinese civilization lays emphasis on pursuing goodness, and western on trueness.

3. This book deals with incest; The course covered all of Western Civilization.

4. "The course Addressed all of Western Civilization"; - cover, treat, handle, plow [N

5. Before the Cold War era, the traditional English viewpoint identified Western civilization with the Western Christian (Catholic–Protestant) countries and culture.

6. The early stage in the existence or development of something: the Childhood of Western civilization.

7. 6 synonyms for Civilisation: civilization, culture, civilization, civilization, civilization, refinement

8. The Copernican Revolution made lasting impacts on the worldview of Western civilization that last to this day

9. Prior to the dawn of Western civilization and written language science and spirituality were not two separate things.

10. Since 1977, Chronicles has been at the forefront of cultural commentary, examining American society in defense of Western Civilization.

11. A debate regarding whether Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome was the “true fountainhead” of Western civilization divided eighteenth-century Antiquarians

12. The Ten Commandments of God are the foundation of the moral code and legal system of justice for Western Christian civilization

13. " Advanced Western civilization has had a destructive effect on all primitive civilizations it has come in contact with, even in those cases where every attempt was made to protect and guard the primitive civilization. "

14. Aleuts The Aleuts' first contact with western civilization occurred in the mid-18th century when Russian fur hunters occupied their territory

15. Kipling demanded that Colonialists end famine and disease, build the roads and ports necessarily to modern civilization and teach Western values

16. The small paipo boards rapidly spread to mainland America, and the Western civilization was ready to give them a new name: Bellyboards

17. Adherents of white nationalist groups believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of the countries that make up Western civilization

18. Civilization The West and the Rest is, contrary to what the title implies, not about the superiority of the Western tradition over others

19. Each Civilization in Civilization VI has a unique ability (a.k.a

20. Assyria led by Ashurbanipal is a civilization available in vanilla Civilization 5

21. And that's no small humiliation for a country that gave the world English and saved Western civilization in the Battle of Britain in 19

22. A Western Chauvinist is a proponent of Western Civilization, someone who supports a secular government whose legal code is informed by Judeo-Christian ethics and whose origins lie in the Greco-Roman tradition of the Republic.

23. The drawing-away of the Holy Spirit from Apostatising Western (once Christian) civilization gradually diminished our invisible barrier and defence of faith in the Word

24. Roads—Arteries of Civilization

25. Another writer may analyze all human history as an accretion or steady buildup of ideas and ideologies that have reached their zenith in contemporary Western civilization.